Saturday, September 16, 2006

Without a thought

Months after the long-feared reunion and reamalgamation of ALGEBRASSIERE in December of 2005, the small moldy A-frame which hosted the pack of noise chaplains for two days doesn't remember who they could have been trying to be like, if anybody, yo.

The recording has been made plastic ingrained and hardened into obsolescent semi-permanence, none of the band members knowing precisely what to do with it, nor even crossing their minds with it, yo.

Therefore, without further adieu to do, we're officially announcing that our long period of effort-free work on the project, has paid off with a state of progress-free success. We had fun, though, yo.

The recording has been tentacly titled 'In a Festive Mold' and can be acquired unmixed with application to SlothJinni through AMSalad.